Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

facial beauty analysis

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder–and the computer–according to new facial beauty analysis software that makes it possible for people to automatically calculate their looks. The facial beauty analysis application, dubbed Anaface, evaluates the beauty of a human face and automatically scores its appearance.

    Anaface, which stands for “analyze face,” allows users to upload a facial photo and receive a specific numeric ranking of their beauty. “Anaface computes a facial beauty score based on the geometry of a person’s face, and it is based on substantial scientific research and statistical analysis,” said Bryan Cooley, CEO of Atama Group LLC, which created the application.

    via New Anaface Facial Beauty Analysis Software Calculates Looks Instantly.

It’s super easy. You click the Terms & Condition button, upload a photo, place facial points as directed, and it spits out your score.

I scored a 8.12 out of 10. “Compared to my eye width, my innerocular distance is nearly ideal.” But my nose is too wide, my face is too narrow, and my mouth is too wide for my nose. I’m comforted by the fact that Angelina Jolie scored just an 8.4 and was also faulted for her nose-mouth ratio.

If you do this and score low, check out this New York Times article on why symmetry is not the be all, end all on determining beauty. If you do this and score high and you’re a guy, e-mail me.

But if you do this, what are you giving up? In your hurry to find out how good-looking you are, you probably skipped a close reading of those terms & conditions.

1 komentar:

  • 13 September 2012 pukul 00.44
    lotty says:

    It is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but its always interesting to know what is the score of your beauty. Thanks to this facial beauty analysis. Its a great tool to everyone who wants to know how beautiful or ugly you are.


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